Thursday, August 26, 2010

A short note from Jas

Tyler, Tyler,


        Yo, what's up man? What is all this stuff I hear? Where are you, what are you doing? They say you took a digger up in Peru.

   I don't know, maybe you did... I think maybe your still up there doing what your always doing, going and being in all the places that the rest of us want to be.

   I heard that you had a family with a real mom and dad...

   Guess I always thought that you came and went out of some mysterious mountaintop somewhere in a snowy place full of rock and sky.

   Some of the guys are going out to Oregon to see your family next week, I'd like to go and meet them and see John and everyone, but I think I'll hang back this time. You know how it is.

   So I just thought I'd write a quick note and say some things to you dude. I know that you don't need to hear them and that you are pretty good at taking things for granted while fully appreciating them at the same time. But I think now is a good time for me to say them.

   Hell man, I gotta start off by saying, dude, we're all in love with you. I mean, especially the girls but us guys too. You know... None of us can get enough dude, your just so freekin cute, and a little cool too! I never met anyone who did get enough of your time come to think of it... everybody always wanted more. Well okay, maybe not Jake. But you know what. He was just pissed because you came up Big H in your tennis shoes and told him there was no reason for spikes on your first day in the trees. He got over it though, he was just a little jealous I think that he didn't realize it first. 

   Tyler man, you will always be one of my best friends,.. For sure my favorite.

   You know, one of the greatest times for me was that Giants vs Patriots Super Bowl when we were in Columbus, Ohio. 2008 I think. When the Giants had that spectacular ending... I knew then that you were just a mortal. I was rooting for the Giants because I knew that I'd be moving to NY and just to be giving you a little challenge, but I never thought that they would win. You kept a close eye on football during the season and I fully thought that you knew how it was going to end. You took it like a man though and was happy for me even though I rubbed it in a little. I really don’t even like football but that was a great game huh?

   But you know it's a funny thing about you man. Something that I’ve always sort of noticed. Whenever we go out to some place in public I always get the feeling that even though the rest of the people there might be milling around doing whatever they're doing, their spirits are kind of leaning in close to yours trying to catch a whisper of the secret that might put that same light in their own eyes. The one that comes in from up at the top of the world, clear blue and white with a hollowness that comes straight through from heaven.

   I want you to know too that your spirit is in me strong dude. It's in my daughter Kaia . She was a bit young last year to really remember you now, but she's got it in her and she'll keep it.

    I like to ask her sometimes... " Kaia, do you remember Tyler?" She says "Uh huh" and I say "What does Tyler do?"... "Climbs" she says. She's only twenty six months now but she's more capable than most of the kids twice her age dude, I swear. We've got a couple of nice boulder projects going on out at the preserve right now.

   Sky bridges?... Dude, enough said.

   And Carhartt bibs?... Who would have guessed.

   Well whatever they say, I don't know. For sure we'll have to catch up during the second round. Maybe we'll meet just before sundown, split an apple and have a couple shots of peppermint tea and watch the eagles teach the kids how to soar.

   It's been great man, we've all been privileged for sure.


   I read something recently and it reminded me of you. Thought I'd share it here.


   “Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to new understanding with a passing whisper. They come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.”


   Cheers to Tyler's family and all who are going to be at the memorial. Wish I could be there with you guys...


See Ya,
