Thursday, November 25, 2010

Missing Tyler on Thansgiving

Hello to Tyler's family and friends out there. My thoughts are with you all today. I have many thanks for the wonderful guy I knew that has moved on. I am reminded of him often, and it is still difficult to believe he is not here.

I want to thank Tyler for the following:
His commitment to the friendship that he and I had
His constant shit-giving and lovely story-telling
His hard work and his intensity
His dedication to his way of life and the truth of his path

I hope Tylers's family is coping well and would like you all to know that my thoughts will be with you and Tyler throughout the holidays.

I will be in Colorado and southern California throughout Christmas and the New Year. No long distance travel plans for me this season. If any of you all find yourselves in these areas, feel free to look me up.

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you are all well.
